RefererX-In action review
RefererX-In action review
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RefererX-In action review
Here i attach the referer-x close-up interface.
Quick review:
This handy software easy to operate just a few clicks of button.Then it will doing it task effectively..i strongly recommend this magnificent creating tool.Just in case if you do not know what is referal spam all about. It means faking your own ID when ever RefererX visits those websites. So the visits will then be noticed (by either the website owner or their web visitors themselves) as coming from anything you like. If you want them to know you as coming from site A, site B, site C or whatever, you can.. In this software it is known as referer link. Just change this referer link to anything you like..
Be frank, many people fail to understand that making money online is not about traffic alone.. getting traffic now days is no longer that tough.. but keeping it, making it convert that's what lacking... I'm using this tool myself and at the same time, exploring new techniques to increase my conversion rate from time to time....
A few recommendations:
1. When logging into the software, create a "Remember Login" button so that we don't
have to type in the login info each time.
2. I imagine some people would want to run RefererX with proxies. Maybe give this
option in the next update. In the mean time, software such as Proxyfire will do.
Personal review of Referer-X
What RefererX does is, it visits websites and identifies itself as coming from certain URL, technically called “referer”. The owner of the visited websites will notice this “referer” either through their traffic log or “recent referers/visit” placed on their web page (if any). So by replacing this “referer” with your link/URL, it indirectly works as a promotional medium for marketing your website, affiliate product or even your AdSense page. Target appropriate websites and run as frequent as possible to get more visibility and gain benefits from it.
In other words, we can also describe this as having a bunch of workers that will go to thousands of sites, distributing your pamphlets/brochures consisting of your business information. Imagine having such staff that work 24/7, promoting to thousands quickly. It’s like A Dream Comes True! :)
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RefererX » How to easily drive good quality traffic that gives , Review of RefererX Software
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Blog aku pada hari ini 6.02.09 berada dikedudukan no 1 dalam kata kunci "review on refererx"
RefererX is the answer. You can promote your affiliate link, adsense site, service site or even your own blog. RefererX will visit thousands of websites ...
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